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2.燃烧污染 2.1大气污染状况 2.2燃烧对大气的污染 2.2.1环境 2.2.2燃烧排放与酸雨污染 2.2.3全球气候变暖与能源工业 2.2.4臭氧层的破坏与燃烧排放 2.2.5燃烧排放的可吸入颗粒物、有机污染物以及有毒微量元素对环境的影响 2.3大气环境质量标准
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通过课堂讲解,理解固体的分类,特别是晶体的分类,进而理解晶体和 非晶体在结构、结合力及性质等方面的差别,理解其在应用方面的差别,完 成对固体吸附剂和固体废物的基本了解
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In modern dairy technology, milk is almost always subjected to a heat treatment; typical examples are: Thermization e.g.65°℃×15s Pasteurization LTLT (low temperature, long time) 63C 30 min HTST(high temperature, short time) 15s Forewarming(for sterilization)
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Milk is a dilute emulsion consisting of an oil/fat dispersed phase and an aqueous colloidal continuous phase. The physical properties of milk are similar to those of water but are modified by the presence of various solutes (proteins, lactose and salts) in the continuous phase and by the degree of dispersion of the emulsified and colloidal components
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公元前100年中国发明造纸术。公元105年东汉蔡伦总结并推广了纸技术,而欧洲人 还在用羊皮抄书呢! 公元700800年唐朝孙思邈在《伏硫磺法》中归早记载了黑火药的三组分(硝酸 钾、硫磺和木炭)。火药于13世纪传入阿拉伯,14世纪才传入欧洲
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Milk has been the subject of scientific study for about 150 years and consequently, is probably the best characterized, in chemical terms, of our major foods. It is probably also the most complicated and serves as the raw material for a very large and diverse family of food products. Dairy science
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General references on dairy chemistry 1 Production and utilization of milk 1. 1 Introduction 1. 3 Classification of mammal 1.4 Structure and development of
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A/B milk and yoghurt, 428 atto Abbe refractometer. 458 Apo-lactoferrin, 364 of cheese. 4 Apparent viscosity, 454, 455 djunct starters, 41 Arachidonic acid, 142 attenuated lactic acid bacteria, 418 Arteriovenous difference studies. 2( elevated ripening temperature, 41 Arthrobacter spp, 407
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son Science, 2-6 Boundary Row, London SEl 8HN, UK Thomson Science, 2-6 Boundary Row, London SEl 8HN, UK Thomson Science, 115 Fifth Avenue, New York NY 10003, USA Thomson Science, Suite 750, 400 Market Street, Philadelphia, PA 19106 Thomson Science, Pappelallee 3, 69469 Weinheim, Germany
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Cheese is a very varied group of dairy products, produced mainly in Europe, North and South America, Australia and New Zealand and to a lesser extent in North Africa and the Middle East, where it originated during the Agricultural Revolution, 6000-8000 years ago. Cheese production and con- 10A and 10B), is increasing in traditional
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