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第一节 概述 第二节 口腔消化 第三节 单胃消化 第四节 复胃消化 第五节 小肠内消化 第六节 大肠内消化 第七节 吸收 第八节 家禽消化生理特点
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4 DQF-COSY, Relayed-COSY, TOCSY Gerd Gemmecker 1999 Double-quantum filtered cOSY The phase problem of normal COsY can be circumvented by the dQF-COSY, using the MQc term generated by the second 90 pulse Ilz cos( @2t1) cos( t1) polarization
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5 Heteronuclear Correlation Spectroscopy H.C-COSY We will generally discuss heteronuclear correlation spectroscopy for x =C(in natura abundance!), since this is by far the most widely used application. However, all this can also be applied to other heteronuclear spins, like 3P, 5N, 1%F,etc In the heteronuclear case, there are some important differences that allow to
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NMR supplement Kinetic studies of protein folding using NMR spectroscopy Christopher M. Dobson and Peter J Hore Recent progress has advanced our abilities to use NMR spectroscopy to follow- in real time -the structural and dynamic changes taking place during protein folding
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NMR supplement Hendrickson, W-A& Wuthrich, K Macromolecular 16. Leahy, D.J., Aukhil, I.& Erickson, H.P. 2.0 Cell 84 A K.D. thanks the Wellcome Trust and The queens 2D0i9 Riddiough. G. Nature Struct. Biol 18. sakaning. AK Kean. cel l8r.597-605i(eRw& by the Wellcome Trust. The authors acknowledge
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NMR of drugs and ligands bound to receptors Anthony Watts NMR methods are now able to give detailed structural, dynamic of these still not identified or classed into families [4\]. and electronic information about drugs and ligands while
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NMR screening in drug discovery Jonathan M Moore NMR methods in drug discovery have traditionally been used drugs. Many pharmaceutical industry research groups have to obtain structural information for drug targets or embarked on drug discovery programs using NMR screen-
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NMR spectroscopy in structure-based drug design Gordon CK Roberts NMR methods for the study of motion in proteins continue Structure and dynamics of the binding site improve, and a n d complexes Methodological developments in NMR of macromolecules relevant to drug design
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第一节 选择原则和方法 一、选用与人的机能、代谢、结构及疾病特点相似的实验动物 二、选用遗传背景明确,具有已知菌丛和模型性状显着且隐定的动物 三、选用解剖、生理特点符合实验目的的要求的动物 四、选择不同种系实验动物存在的某些特殊反应 第二节 各类实验动物选择索引 一、两栖纲 二、爬行纲 三、鸟纲 四、哺乳纲
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第一节 动物模型的意义和优越性 第二节 动物模型的分类 一、按产生原因分类 二、按系统范围分类 第三节 动物模型的设计原则和注意事项 一、设计原则 二、注意事项 第四节 动物模型的复制方法 一、复制方法和应用 二、肿瘤模型的复制方法 三、心血系系疾病的动物模型 四、呼吸系统疾病动物模型 五、消化系统疾病动物模型 六、神经系统疾病模型 七、寄生虫病动物模型 八、中医“证”的动物模型 九、国内近期动物疾病模型文献 十、国外动物疾病模型参阅表
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