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Unit 1 Fighting with the Forces of Nature Unit 2 Smart Cars Unit 3 Job Interview Unit 4 Multicultural Society Unit 5 Cruelty Unit 6 The Peace of Life
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A. Based on the information in the story, we can safely come to a lesson that everybody needs a happy life, and this happiness can play an important role in keeping our life active and meaningful. As a matter of fact, it should become our goal of life to be happy. Without happiness, many people will feel that life is empty and worthless.  B. If we read this story carefully, it is not hard for us to arrive at a lesson that everybody needs a happy life, and this happiness can play an important role in keeping our life active and meaningful. …
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H-O模型的基本内容 H-O模型是一个总称,包括四个方面的内容: (1)HO假说:各国将出口那些密集使用本国丰富的生产要素生产的产品,而进口那些密集使用本国稀缺要素生产的产品。 (2)要素价格均等化:国际贸易将使生产要素的实际收益均等化。 (3)斯托尔帕-萨缪尔森定理:国际贸易有益于国使用其丰富要素进行的生产,但减少稀缺要素的实际收入
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Step One: Leading-in Activities: 1. Watch the short movies of Chaplin. 2. Discussion: (1) What do the famous people's lives look like in your eye? (2) Do you want to be famous one day? Why or why not? And (3) What do you usually do in your
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考试结构: Section A:10 short conversations复习的重点 Section B:最可能考三个段子(3 passages)。其次,有可能考复合式听写( Compound Dictation)或听写填空(Spot Dictation) 提高听力的步骤;第一步,听懂考题:第二步,总结考题规律:第三步,了解考试本身,做类型题
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Funny psychological test What is psychological test? Psychological test is a quantified measurement of one,s psychology, it makes a descriptive analysis on one's inner mind by way of testing the respondent,s responses to certain situations. You may have a better understanding of yourself by multi-dimensional analyses so that you can overcome your
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It may be audacious even to attempt a definition of his greatness but it is not so difficult to describe the gifts that enabled him to create imaginative visions of pathos and mirth that, whether read or witnessed in the theatre, fill the mind and linger there he is a writer of great intellectual rapidity
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Shakespeare baptized April26,1564, Stratford--upon-avon, Warwickshire, Eng. died April 23, 1616, Stratford-upon-Avon Shakespeare also spelled Shakspere, byname Bard of Avon, or Swan of Avon English poet, dramatist, and actor, often called the English national poet and considered by many to be the greatest dramatist of all time. Shakespeare occupies a position unique in world literature. Other poets, such as Homer and Dante, and novelists, such as Leo
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1. Have you or your friend ever been cheated by a manufacturer? Describe your experience to your partner. Reference: Yes. Last year I planned to buy a computer so I could surf the net. I want to find a cheap one that's attractive and eas sy to use. I found
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Composition Structure Many good compositions of academic writing (e.g. report, an essay, an assignment, a project) have their organizational structure or their ways in which the different parts are linked together. The following general plan for three paragraph composition will help to control the overall structure of your writing
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