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单纯的推销部门 1、总经理 2、销售主管 3、推销员 4、其他职能部门
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《市场营销学》课程教学资源:第十章 促销策略 第一节 促销与促销组合 第二节 人员推销策略 第三节 广告策略 第四节 公共关系策略 第五节 营业推广策略
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《市场营销学》课程教学资源:第十章 拳行天下——现代企业的产品策略
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产品是能够满足人的需要和欲望的任何东西。 product is anything that can be offered to satisfy a need or want
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Service Definitions Classifications How Services Differ goods Improving service Differentiation, Quality, Productivity Improving Customer Support Services
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Types of Costs Fixed Costs Variable costs (Overhead) Costs that don°t Costs that do vary vary with sales or directly with the production levels level of production
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Objectives Work Performed by marketing channels Channel-Design Decisions Channel-Management Decisions Channel Dynamics
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Objectives The communications Process A Developing Effective Communications a Deciding on the Marketing Communications Mix a Managing and Coordinating Integrated Marketing Communications
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• 第一节 分销渠道的职能与类型 • 第二节 分销渠道策略 • 第三节 批发商与零售商 • 第四节 物流策略
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