Types of market efficiency The weak-form of efficiency: price accurately reflect all information that can be derived by examining market trading data such as past prices, trading volume, short interest rate, etc
配置DLSW前,首先应对DLSW有一定的理解,这对用户是很有帮助的。 Data Link Switching(DLSw)是一种新的隧道或封装协议,它可以封装来自于SNA和 NetBIOS 系统的 Logical Link Control Type1(LL1)或Type2(LL2)的帧,并使其越过非SNA架 构的网络,DLSw的提出解决了LLC2基于局域网设计而不能在广域网上传输的局限性 DLSW为SNA网络到TcPP网络的过渡提供了一套解决思路,使得SNA和 TCP/IP可 共存
Chapter 3 Techniques in Cell Biology Preparatory observe put forward theoretics Design control tests Refer to knowledge Collect data Explain results Devise conclusion
1. Overview-the many levels of systems biology 2. Experimental methods for measuring protein-protein interactions and their limitations 3. Data sources for information about proteins and their
The Data of macroeconomics * Measure of economic activity Gross Domestic Product(GDP) Total expenditure on domestically-produced final goods and services Total income earned by domestically located factors of production