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Objectives of the class (1)A better understanding of \writing\ (2)A better understanding of what the students have brought into the
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Lecture 5 Sequence Paragraph Objectives To learn what a sequence paragraph is To learn to write an effective sequence paragraph Writing instructions wha at is a sequence paragrap h?
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To learn different types of paragraphs and their features. Introduction of different types of paragraphs Definition paragraph When you are writing a definition paragraph, you take a term or an idea and write about what it is. Often, definitions are combined with classification or other forms of organization. You need to give a careful definition of
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Unit 1 In production Objective of the class (1) A better understanding\writing\ what, why,and how (2)Building up confidence of long writing by the first article 3)Survey of computer skills Task (1) Take notes about what teacher says in class
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The primary task of the writing course is to familiarize and equip students with strategies and skills approaching the academic writing tasks needed in the university, and to meet the requirements of the Band 8 as well as Band 4 examination on writing. In addition, personal and academic development necessities such as creative
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Unit. 2 (personal narrative) Objectives 1. Exchange topics (both narrative and descriptive) 2. Know more about the several important things
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Content Teacher -led discussion about \Writing\ Lecture: language learning and teaching theories and practice Need analysis survey Preliminary plan of the term
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1922年导演了首部影片《两只小鸟》。1926年的 《疯狂的一页》获得极大成功,影片通过特定的 视角,使观众能够通过主人公的眼睛来观察疯人 院的情景。 1928年的《十字路》是日本最闻名的无声片。他 创造性的采用倒叙手法模拟主人公的意识状态, 运用灰暗单调的背景造成阴郁的感觉,使用实验 性的摄影技术,加强了对细节的重视
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中国大陆的电影 第一代导演: 张石川:《孤儿救祖记》(1923) 郑正秋:《姊妹花》(1933) 第二代导演: 孙瑜:《大路》(1934) 吴永刚:《神女》(1934)
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上世纪20年代中兴起的前苏联蒙太奇学派, 由于其产生的土壤与法国、德国有着明显的 不同,所以注定它是一种最革命、最积极的 电影运动,他们创造的蒙太奇理论和依此为 基础的实践创作,影响了世界电影的整个面 貌
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