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一、什么是气质 气质(temperament)一词源于拉丁语《tcmpcramcnttcmpcramcrturm《,原意是掺合、混合,按比例把佐料调和到一 起。现代心理学所说的气质与我们平常所说的秉性、脾气等较为近似。在日常生活中,有的人活泼好 动,非常开朗;有的人安静稳重,反应缓慢,较为内向;有的人情绪表现大起大落,有的人情绪则显得 细腻深刻。人在这些方面存在的差异,往往是不同气质类型发生作用的结果
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第一节能力的概述 第二节能力的结构 第三节能力发展与个体差异 第四节能力的测量 第五节能力的培养
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第一章绪论 第二章环境与资源保护法的概述 第三章环境与资源保护法的发展概况 第四章环境与资源保护法的体系 第五章环境与资源保护法学基础理论 第六章环境权 第七章 资源权 第八章环境与资源保护法的基本原则 第九章自然资源保护法 第十章环境污染防治法 第十一章环境管理体制和监督管理制度 第十二章环境行政法律责任 第十三章环境民事法律责任 第十四章环境刑事法律责任 第十五章 国际环境法
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1.环境与环境问题 2.环境科学的研究内容与任务 3.环境工程的研究内容与任务 4.环境观 5.可持续发展 6.环境保护的发展历程
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一、制度的内涵 二、制度的构成 三、制度的起源 四、制度的功能 五、制度的稀缺性 六、制度的供给 七、制度的需求 八、制度的变迁 九、制度的绩效 十、制度竞争力
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一、城市化(P203--205) 1、城市化(《urbanization《):一个国家或地区居 住在城市地区人口比重不断提升,以及随人口向 城市集中所带来的社会组织与功能的变化,其要 素包括:城市规模、密度与多样性。 2、城市化的两个基本类型:集聚型人口城市化与 扩散型人口城市化。前者是指人口向城市中心区 集聚。后者是指人口市郊化和人口圈外化(逆向 城市化)
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The PD Process coordinates the specific research activities such as product design, process development, engineering plant design, marketing strategy and desig with the aim of producing an integrated approach to the development of new products. The overall aim is to create a product that an individual consumer or a food manufacturing company or food service organisation will buy. The two parts of product development-the knowledge of the consumer's needs/wants and the knowledge of modern scientific discoveries and technological
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Product development does not occur in isolation as a separate functional activity. It is a company philosophy, a basic company strategy and a multifunctional company activity. In recent years to show this all-encompassing basis, bringing together product, process, marketing and organisational innovations, there has been development of an overall innovation strategy. This innovation strategy is related to the company's overall business aims and strategy, as well as the social, economic and technological environment, and the company's own knowledge and skills. The business strategy also includes a duct strategy outlining the products of the future. The combination of the innovation and product strategies is the basis for the product development strategy, and from this can be developed
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Consumers are the centre of product development in the food industry, directly in the design of consumer products and indirectly in the design of commodity products and industrial products. In industrial product development, the emphasis is on the immediate customer, but consideration needs to be given to the acceptance of the final product by the consumer. It is important in product development to understand basic consumer behaviour and food choice as well as the individual product/consumer relationship(Earle, 1997). Differences among
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