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我们感觉空间和时间是连续的,但是如果令人称奇的圈量子引力理论是正确的 话,时空实 际上是以离散形式存在的。 100多年前,绝大多数人和科学家认为物质是连续的。尽管自古以来一些哲学 家和科学家曾 经推测如果把物质分解到足够小的块,就会发现它们是由微小的原子组成
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letters to natur Ad Space Res. 8, 21-34(1988). order to realize s-wave collisions in the ultracold Fermi gas, we use a 20am,工Do由 dayside cusps blink Rev. Geophys. Supp33 -668cormvectiorm mixture of atoms in two different spin states. For the final stage of
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equipment, and to Dr. G. E. R. Deacon and the a residue on each chain every 3.4 A. in the z-direc- captain and officers of R. R.S. Discovery II for their tion. We have assumed an angle of 36between part in making the observations. at residues in the same chain, so th he 1Young, F. B., Gerrard, H., and Jevons,., Phil Mag., 40, 149 structu on each chain, that
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SPIRIT UPDATE: Spirit probes deeper into 'Clovis'outcrop-sol 209-218, August 23,2004 Spirit continued work over the past nine sols at a rock called \Clovis.\ The rover used roscop its rock abrasion tool, microscopic imager, alpha particle X-ray- spectrometer,and Mossbauer spectrometer to probe deeper into the history of this rock. Clovis is the most altered rock encountered by Spirit to date. It is part of a rock outcrop located on the\West Spur\ of the \Columbia
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同质结:由同种半导体材料构成的N区或P区,形成的PN结。如将两块带隙宽度相同、掺杂不 同的半导体材料,在一定的条件下生长在一起形成同质结。 异质结:两种带隙宽度不同的半导体材料生长在同一块单晶上形成的结。 同型异质结:结的两边导电类型相同:NN,PP结 异型异质结:结的两边导电类型不相同:NP,PN结 对于异型异质结:两种材料的带隙不同
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When an electric charge is supported at rest in a static gravitational field, its electric field is not supported with the charge, and it falls freely in the gravitationa field. Drawing the electric field lines continuously in time, we find that they always emerge from the charge, but the electric field is curved and there is a stress force between the freely falling (curved)field and the static charge. The charge radiates
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www.nextag.com Magnum Belize Tours-Atoll Magnum Belize Tours can arrange Atoll diving trips from most Belize resorts www.magnumbelize.com Bikini Atoll (also known as Pikinni Atoll)is an uninhabited 6.0 square kilometer atoll An atoll is a type of low, coral island found in the tropical ocean consisting of a coral-algal
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电力现在来考虑这么一种力。这种力活象引力,也是与距离平方成反比地变化的,但比引力 要强约一万亿亿亿亿倍另外,还有一点区别,即存在两种我们可称之为正的和负的物质,种 类相同的相斥,不同的相吸这就不象引力,里只存在吸引这样,会出现什么情景呢?
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1.近自由电子模型 近自由电子模型认为:电子在晶体中 要受周围势场的作用,但这个势场的 平均势场是一个很微弱的势场,平均 势场是周期势场U(F)=U(+T),由于U() 很弱,可以用量子力学中的微扰论来 处理,这时 Shodinger方程中的哈密顿 量既有动能又有势能
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看星图 一、星图种类類繁多 二、星图上的南北方向和普通地图相反 三、使用地图時,平放在地上 四使用星图時,須要把星图高舉過頭,抬头看星空
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