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2.2 three approaches to measure GDP 2.3 Ni pi DPl 2.4 MPS VS SNA 2.5 saving and wealth, stock and flow
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7.1 Fiscal policies and effects 7.2 Monetary policies and effects 7.3 Policy mix 7.4 Economic fluctuation and eliminating the fluctuations with economic policies 7.5 Macroeconomic policy practice
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9.1 Decision of investment 9.2 Investment function 9.3 Inventory investment& Investment in residential structures
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Content A simple closed model The static solution of simple model Basic concepts of disequilibrium theory
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Main Idea Nominal Rigidity nominal price rigidity nominal wage rigidity Real Rigidity Real price rigidity Real wage rigidity Unemployment, Economic Cycle and Policy Suggestion
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Introduction to New Classical Theories R.lucas Supply Function Rational Expectations and R.lucas Criterion Policy Implications Comparisons between New Classical and Keynesian Theories
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Some facts in business-cycle Real-business-cycle theory's explanation to some important economic variables Explanation to the fluctuations of output, consumption investment Explanations to employment fluctuation Explanations to monetary fluctuation Evaluation to Real-business-cycle theory
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