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一、烷烃的组成、结构和构象 l SP3杂化,CnH2n+2,同系物、同分异构体
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10.1 As noted in the sample solution to part(a), a pair of electrons is moved from the double bond toward the positively charged carbon
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SOLUTIONS TO TEXT PROBLEMS 2.1 A carbonyl group is=. Of the two carbonyl functions in prostaglandin E one belongs to the ketone family, the other to the carboxylic acids. Ketone OH Carboxylic acid functional group
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一、结构与命名 含有羧基的化合物为羧酸,羧基(-COOH)是羧酸的官能团
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第一章:绪论 第二章:烷烃和脂环烃 第三章:不饱和烃 第四章:芳烃 第五章:对应异构 第六章:现代物理实验方法
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Francis A.Carey Textbook Table of Contents Francis A. Carey Textbook Website Student Online Learning Center ORGANIC CHEMISTRY Study Guide Table of Contents Back Next
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PHYSICAL PROPERTIES TABLE A Selected Physical Properties of Representative Hydrocarbons Boiling Molecular Structural Melting Compound name formula point,C Alkanes Methane 182.5 Ethane CH CH3CH3
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this chapter and the next we extend our coverage of conjugated systems to include arenes. Arenes are hydrocarbons based on the benzene ring as a structural unit. Ben- are zene, toluene, and naphthalene, for example, are arenes
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the preceding chapter the special stability of benzene was described, along with reac- tions in which an aromatic ring was present as a substituent. In the present chapter we move from considering the aromatic ring as a substituent to studying it as a functional
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he next several chapters deal with the chemistry of various oxygen-containing functional groups. The interplay of these important classes of compounds-alco- hols, ethers, aldehydes, ketones, carboxylic acids, and derivatives of carboxylic acids-is fundamental to organic chemistry and biochemistry
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