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西北工业大学网络教育学院《基础会计学》_第四章 商品流通企业主要经营过程
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管理会计的形成和发展受社会 实践及经济理论的双重影响:一方 面,社会经济的发展要求加强企业 管理;另一方面,经济理论的形成 又使这种要求得以实现
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1. Introduction (1) Private Corporations(stock and nonstock; open and closed) (2) Public corporations (3) Domestic corporations (4) Foreign corporationsuniversities
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1. Classification and Valuation ofInvestments (1) Trading securities (2) Available-for-salesecurities (3) Held-to-maturitydebt securities Intermediate Accounting 12 Investments
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1. Classifications of inventory Intermediate Accounting 7 Inventories Inventories are the assets of a company which are :
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1. Accounting for cash Intermediate Accounting 6 Cash and Receivables Cash is the resources on hand to meet planned expenditures and emergency situations
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1. FASB conceptual framework FASB was given two charges: To develop a conceptual framework ofaccounting theory. To establish standards (GAAP) for financialaccounting practices
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一、Course nature and objective 二、 Teaching methods 三、 Test requirements and form 四、 Scoring system 五、Brief contents
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1.元月1日,该公司所有者丁一和丁二各向公司投入资本2500000元; 2.元月2日,预付半年房租共计12000元; 3.元月3日,公司购入汽车一部,15万元,款项已经支付。该汽车预计使用年限为8年,无残值 4.3月3日,向XYZ公司购入商品50000件,@7元,货款未付; 5.5月8日,购入办公用品一批,500元,用银行存款支付
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