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1 掌握PPT制作的基本原则 2 熟悉PPT制作的基本步骤 3 进一步提高操作技能 4 了解PPT制作的网络资源
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一、上皮组织 1 特点 2 被覆上皮 3 细胞表面的特殊结构 4 腺上皮和腺
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1商店外部环境设计的心理功能 2商店内部环境设计的心理效应 3服务环境与消费心理
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1、一元芳烃衍生物的命名 2、相同基团芳烃衍生物的命名始 3、不同基团芳烃衍生物的命名 4、酯环烃衍生物的命名
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Problem Set 9 Solutions Due: Monday, April 25 at 9 PM Problem 1. There are three coins: a penny, nickel, and a quarter. When these coins are flipped: The penny comes up heads with probability 1/3 and tails with probability 2/3 The nickel comes up heads with probability 3/4 and tails with probability 1/4. The quarter comes up heads with
文档格式:PPT 文档大小:517KB 文档页数:19
1、认识常见的基 2、系统命名——选主链 3、系统命名—为主链编号 4、系统命名——书写格式
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1 Induction Recall the principle of induction: Principle of Induction. Let P(n) be a predicate. If ·P(0) is true,an for all nE N, P(n) implies P(n+1), then P(n) is true for all nE N As an example let's try to find a simple expression equal to the following sum and then use induction to prove our guess correct 1·2+2·3+3:4+…+n·(mn+1) To help find an equivalent expression, we could try evaluating the sum for some small n and(with the help of a computer) some larger n sum
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1、复习健美操的基本步伐:踏步类 march、走步类walk、并步类step -touch-等 2、复习大众健美操锻炼标准三级动作 3、800米测试
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1、复习健美操的基本步伐:踏步类 march、走步类walk、并步类step- touch等 2、复习大众健美操锻炼标准三级动作 3、补测800米
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1 掌握食品化学保藏的有关概念、原理及应用原则 2 熟悉常用食品防腐剂和抗氧化剂的种娄及使用方法 3 了解食品添加剂的相关法规
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