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5.1 The Goods Market Equilibrium and IS Curve 5.2 Financial Markets and LM Curve 5.3 Goods and Financial Markets: IS- LM Model
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Topics to be Discussed Basic principles of building macroeconomic model Micro basis of macroeconomics &Choices of households Choices of firms Introduction to labor market
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第一节 收入的概念与分类 第二节 收入的确认与计量 第三节 利润 第四节 所得税 第五节 利润分配
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东北财经大学:《中级财务会计》课程教学资源(PPT课件)第十章 成本费用
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Topics to be Discussed National Income Accounting and the Balance of Payments other concepts The determination of exchange rate floating exchange rate system Fixed exchange rate system Trade environment and policy o Summary of the open economy
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第一节 负债的定义及其分类 第二节 流动负债 第三节 长期负债 第四节 借款费用 第五节 债券重组
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8.1 Keynesian consumption function 8.2 A simple two-period model 8.3 Consumption theory after Keynes Permanent-income Hypothesis Life-style Hypothesis 8.4 Real interest& decision-making- between consumption and saving
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第一节 应收票据 第二节 应收账款
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第一节 现金 第二节 银行存款 第三节 其他货币资金 第四节 外币业务
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