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一、气蚀现象及危害 低压区→产生气泡→高压区→气 泡破裂→产生局部真空→水力冲 击→发生振动、噪音,对部件产 生麻点、蜂窝状的破坏现象
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跳跃运动的力学原理 (一)决定腾空高度和远度的主要因素
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第一节 百合的组织培养 第二节 兰花的组织培养技术 第三节 蝴蝶兰的培养
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Main engine starter is common across airports service these aircraft(11 common) Airline only has to stock 14 spares as
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Lean Transformation: A Business Case Pressure Exists From Investment Community For Companies To Grow Earnings
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Define Enterprise in a Lean Context \A lean enterprise is an integrated entity that efficiently creates value for its multiple stakeholders by employing lean principles and practices
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AEROSPACE What is Strategy? A strategy is a plan, method, or series of actions designed to achieve a specific goal or effect (Wordsmyth, 2001)
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Alexis stanke. MIIt The elimination of waste\ is one of the fundamental tenets of \ lean thinkin Waste\may be defined as\any action, process or activity that consumes resources and does not directly add value for a stakeholder
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Learning Objectives Enterprise Resource Planning Product Data Management IT as Enabler for Collaborative Business Models Enterprise IT issues
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Lean Enterprise Transformation Issues Why d What lean enterp ttom ned How do we assess an organization's\readiness to change?
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