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MATLAB 是一个功能十分强大的系统,是集数值计算、图形管理、程序开发为一体的 环境。作为强大的科学计算平台,它几乎能满足所有的计算需求。在美国及其他发达国家的 理工科院校里,MATLAB 已成为了一门必修的课程,在科研院所、大型公司或企业的工程 计算部门,MATLAB 也是最为普遍的计算工具之一。 MATLAB 具有如下的优势和特点:
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A Systems View of Project Management Project Phases and the Project Life Cycle Understanding Organizations Suggested Skills for a Project Manager Project Management Process Groups
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Importance of Project Schedules Project Time Management Process Activity Definition Activity sequencing Activity duration estimating Schedule development Schedule control
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I'm often asked how to be a good manager, a topic I've taken on in this column more than once. Less often does anybody ask an equally important question: What makes a good employee? Here are 10 of the qualities I find in the \best and brightest\ employees, the people companies should attract and retain
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一、世界旅游发展状况 1、世界旅游状况 2、中国旅游发展状况 (1)入境旅游 (2)国内旅游 (3)出境旅游
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1. 旅游的概念 2. 旅游活动的特征和构成要素 3. 旅游活动的类型 4. 旅游活动的性质 5. 旅游活动的特点 6. 衡量旅游发展状况的指标
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一、旅游资源的基本概念 二、旅游资源的开发 三、旅游资源的保护
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2.1 8086CPU的内部结构 2.2 8086对主存储器的分段管理 2.3 8086微处理器的引脚及工作模式
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EC 2006 Prentice Hall 2 Learning Objectives 1. Define electronic commerce (EC) and describe its various categories. 2. Describe and discuss the content and framework of EC. 3. Describe the major types of EC transactions. 4. Describe the digital revolution as a driver of EC
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Electronic Commerce Prentice Hall © 2006 2 Learning Objectives 1. Describe electronic retailing (e-tailing) and its characteristics. 2. Define and describe the primary e-tailing business models. 3. Describe how online travel and tourism services operate and their impact on the industry
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