IT Projectmanagement The Project management Context and Processes INSTRUCTOR: SHU LIU HIT SCHOOL OF SOFTWARE Summer 2005 All rights reserved
The Project Management Context and Processes INSTRUCTOR: SHU LIU HIT SCHOOL OF SOFTWARE Summer 2005 All rights reserved IT Project Management
IT Projectmanagement Outline s A Systems View of Project Management Project Phases and the project Life cycle Understanding Organizations uggested Ski S ils for a project manager Project Management Process Groups Context and processes 2
Context and Processes 2 Outline ◼ A Systems View of Project Management ◼ Project Phases and the Project Life Cycle ◼ Understanding Organizations ◼ Suggested Skills for a Project Manager ◼ Project Management Process Groups IT Project Management
IT Projectmanagement a System View of Project management a We can t achieve anything in business without profits Fujio Mitarai CEO Canon Context and processes 3
Context and Processes 3 A System View of Project Management ◼ We can’t achieve anything in business without profits… Fujio Mitarai CEO Canon IT Project Management
IT Projectmanagement Enterprise Management Approach 公司管理的方法 Best Practices Process步骤 Methodology方法 Tools工具最佳的策略 Business Management业务管理 Project Management项目管理 Engineering工程 The highway How to drive The car Advanced code Context and processes
Context and Processes 4 Enterprise Management Approach 公司管理的方法 IT Project Management Business Management 业务管理 Project Management 项目管理 Engineering 工程 Process 步骤 Methodology 方法 Tools 工具 Best Practices 最佳的策略 The highway code How to drive The car Advanced driving
IT Projectmanagement a System View of Project management Taking a systems view means looking at the big picture of how a particular project fits into the rest of the organization It is important for project managers to understand the broader organizational environment to ensure their projects meet organizational needs Context and processes
Context and Processes 5 A System View of Project Management ◼ Taking a systems view means looking at the big picture of how a particular project fits into the rest of the organization. ◼ It is important for project managers to understand the broader organizational environment to ensure their projects meet organizational needs. IT Project Management
IT Projectmanagement Projects Cannot Be Run In Isolation Projects must operate in a broad organizational environment. If project are run in isolation, It Is unlikely that those projects will ever truly serve the needs of the organization Project managers need to take a holistic or systems view of' a project and understand how it is situated within the larger organization- Systems thinking Context and processes
Context and Processes 6 Projects Cannot Be Run In Isolation ◼ Projects must operate in a broad organizational environment. If project are run in isolation, it is unlikely that those projects will ever truly serve the needs of the organization. ◼ Project managers need to take a holistic or systems view of a project and understand how it is situated within the larger organization – Systems thinking IT Project Management
IT Project management Three Sphere Model for Systems Management Senior managers d and proje managers must Business Organization identify key business technological and organizational issues related to each project in echnolo: order to do what is best for the entire organization lext and process
Context and Processes 7 Three Sphere Model for Systems Management Business Technology Organization IT Project Management Senior managers and project managers must identify key business, technological and organizational issues related to each project in order to do what is best for the entire organization
IT Projectmanagement Project Life Cycle Projects operate as part of a system and involve uncertainty, it is good practice to divide projects into several phases a project life cycle is a collection of project phases Context and processes
Context and Processes 8 Project Life Cycle ◼ Projects operate as part of a system and involve uncertainty, it is good practice to divide projects into several phases. ◼ A project life cycle is a collection of project phases IT Project Management
IT Projectmanagement Project Phases and the Project Life Cycle Project phases vary by project or industry. but some general phases include a concept a development a implementation a Close-out Context and processes
Context and Processes 9 Project Phases and the Project Life Cycle ◼ Project phases vary by project or industry, but some general phases include ◼ concept ◼ development ◼ implementation ◼ Close-out IT Project Management
IT Projectmanagement Project Life Cycle Model 初期 中期 后期 Development Close-out Concept phase ase phase Activity Implementation phase Begin Time End Context and processes
Context and Processes 10 Project Life Cycle Model IT Project Management 初期 中期 后期 Concept phase Development phase Implementation phase Close-out phase Time Activity Begin End