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Biological Features Aerobic, Gram, noncapsulated, rods Gray-black colonies on tellurite亚碲酸盐 medium o Metachromatic granules Chinese-letter morphology in Gram stain
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猕猴桃溃疡病 Chinese Gooseberry(Kiwi)Canker 溃疡病是猕猴桃上的一种毁灭性病害,该病于1980年在美国加州和日本的静冈县首 发现。我国于1986年在湖南东山峰农场人工栽培基地首次证实了该病的发生。该病在湖南 等地发展迅速,来势凶猛,连年流行,可在短期内使猕猴桃濒于毁灭
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1. Remember the following useful expressions and translate them into Chinese: 1. With a view to supporting your sales, we have specially prepared some samples of our new makes and are sending them to you, under separate cover, for your
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I. Revision Teacher uses the following exercise to help the students to revise the important expressions or phrases or sentences which were learnt in the loud speaker, study of last unit eacher: When I say a phrase or an expression in Chinese, you respond by blackboard
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I. Give Chinese meanings to the words and phrases below: 1)accompany 2)accurate 3)adequate 4 ac
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1. Translate the following phrases into Chinese:(50%) 1. take it easy 2. on foot 3. bring into effect 4. and so forth 5 end up
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Purposes 1. To get students know Chinese culture 2. To understand the purpose of writing and the characteristics of argumentation 3. To reinforce some basic linguistic knowledge by doing various types of exercises
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Revision I. Expressions ss Directions: Turn the following English terms into Chinese without looking at your textbook 1. Purchase order: order sheet. order note indent
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Revision of unit 6 工. Expressions Directions: Turn the following English terms into Chinese without /ooking at your textbook 1. Superior quality/inferior quality 2. Customary quality /ordinary quality
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Revision l Expressions Directions: Turn the following English terms into Chinese without looking at your textbook 1 advance payment/ Cash in advance 2 defer payment 3 initial payment 4 Documentary letter of credit
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