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人类社会在经历了农业社会和工业社会之后,已经进入到信息社会的知识经济时代。20 世纪下半叶的发展进程,揭示了信息社会的基础设施是计算机、通信和网络。当前,计算机 网络技术迅速发展和 Internet的普及,使人们更深刻地体会到了无所不在的计算机网络,计 算机网络已对人们的日常生活、工作甚至思想产生了较大的影响。在这一章中,我们先了解 下计算机网络的基础知识
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电子商务从上层构架来说是以知识经济为内涵,以信息共享为手段来完成现代商务交 易。而不管电子商务是如何运作的,它始终离不开一个最基本的底层—一计算机网络。本章 给出了两个典型的实现电子商务的网络系统,目的是想告诉读者计算机网络是实现电子商务 的基石
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Binary dependent variables Recall the linear probability model, which can be written as P(=1x)=Bo+xB a drawback to the linear probability model is that predicted values are not constrained to be between 0 and An alternative is to model the proba、,s a function, G(Bo+xB), where 0
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Choosing a Topic Start with a general area or set of questions Make sure you are interested in the topic Use on-line services such as EconLit to investigate past work on this topic Narrow down your topic to a specific question or issue to be investigated Work through the theoretical issue Economics 20-Prof. Anderson
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1. Binary Choice Model for Panel Data
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一、问题的提出 二、泊松回归模型 三、泊松回归模型的扩展
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一、变系数模型 二、动态模型 三、关于平行数据模型的总结
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一、模型的设定—F检验 二、固定影响变截距模型 三、随机影响变截距模型 四、固定影响/随机影响模型的检验
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Testing for Unit roots Consider an AR(1): y=a+p +e,t Let Ho: p=1, (assume there is a unit root) Define 0=p-1 and subtract y, from both sides to obtain Ay,=a+ B+e, Unfortunately, a simple t-test is inappropriate, since this is an I(1) process ADickey-Fuller Test uses the t-statistic, but different critical values Economics 20- Prof anderson
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Simultaneity Simultaneity is a specific type of endogeneity problem in which the explanatory variable is jointly determined with the dependent variable 2 As with other types of endogeneity, IV estimation can solve the problem o Some special issues to consider with simultaneous equations modelS(SEM) Economics 20- Prof anderson
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