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第一节国际储备的作用与构成 第二节国际储备管理
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《管理经济学》是工商管理专业学位课程之一,在整个课程体系中占有重要地位,既是管理思想和理 念的主要源泉之一,又是重要管理方法和管理工具的宝库。 课程概要: 课程的内容主要包含供求分析与市场机制,消费者行为与需求分析:生产决策分析,成本利润分析 不同市场结构下企业的产量和价格决策:定价实践和经济博弈:信息不完全市场;以及政府干预对企业决 策的影响等
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School of Business, Sun Yat-sen University Lesson notes Lesson 10 Understanding and Using Financial Statements Learning objectives 1. Describe the need and supply for financial statement analysis. 2. Learn basic financial statement analytical procedures
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Lesson Notes Lesson 14 Managerial Accounting: Applications Learning objectives 1. Describe segmented reporting and responsibility accounting system 2. Explain the main aspects of Cost-volume-profit analysis 3. Analyze budgeting and budgetary control
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Lesson notes Lesson 3: Analyzing and Recording Accounting Transactions Learning objectives 1. Provide the students with a background of the accounting process to better understand the numbers on the financial statements 2. Define the economic transactions and events that are included into our accounting considerations
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Lesson 5 Completing the Accounting Cycle Learning objectives 1. Describe and prepare a worksheet and describe its usefulness. 2. Describe the closing process and explain why temporary accounts are closed each period
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Learning objectives 1. Describe the principles of properly designed accounting systems. 2. Describe and illustrate the principles of internal control of accounting information systems. 3. Describe and illustrate the use oft special journals and subsidiary ledgers to process accounting data more efficiently
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通过本章的学习,使学 生了解连锁商业的统一 营销管理体制、营业管 理;运用所学知识进行 适合的促销活动;掌握 绩效评估的基准、评估 项目、经营绩效评估办 法等一系列问题;熟悉 店铺自我诊断评估法、 员工绩效评估技巧
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Outline Enterprises Accounting Transactions, Accounting Events, and Accounting Circumstances Economic Activities and Accounting Elements Accounting Equation
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