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For contact information about worldwide offices, see the Math Works Web site. Writing S-Functions COPYRIGHT 1998-2002 by The Math Works, Inc. The software described in this document is fur d under a license agreement. The software may be used or copied only under the terms of the license agreement. No part of this manual may be photocopied or repro-
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For contact information about worldwide offices, see the MathWorks Web site. MAT-File Formo COPYRIGHT 1984-1999 by The Math Works, Inc. The software described in this docu nder a license agreement. The software may be used or copied only under the No part of this manual may be photocopied or repro- duced in any form without pri
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The software described in this document is furnished under license agreement. The software may be used or copied only under the terms of the license agreement. No part of this manual may be photocopied or repro- duced in any form without prior written consent from The Math Works. In FEDERAL ACQUiSITION to all acquisitions of the Program and Documentation by or for the federal
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一、领导的作用 二、权力的分类 三、领导原则与艺术 四、领导的素质 五、领导的产生方式 六、几种领导理论 七、如何当好下属
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一、信息检索工具 二、信息检索系统 三、检索步骤 四、检索方法
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一、名称 二、别名:西洋红、墙下红、爆竹红、象牙红、炮仗红、撒尔维亚等。 三、学名: Salvia splendens ker--gawl.属于唇形科鼠尾属的多年生草本植物,作一年生栽培。 四、产地和分布:原产巴西,引入我国只是100年内的事,现在我国广为栽培,是最主要的露地花卉之一
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一、填空题 1、治安事件的主体具有性。 2、治安事件处置的原则是可散不可聚,可顺不可激
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一、一条汇编语言指令中最多包含4个区段,如下所示: 二、标号:操作码目的操作数,源操作数;注释 三、标号与操作码之间“:”隔开; 四、操作码与操作数之间用“空格”隔开; 五、目的操作数和源源操作数之间有“,”分隔; 六、操作数与注释之间用“;”隔开
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本章首先简介短路的原因、后果及其 形式,接着分析无限大容量系统三相短路时的物理过程及有关物理量,然后重 点讲述企业共配电系统的短路电流计算, 进而阐述短路电流的效应,最后讲述高低压电器的选择和校验条件
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