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根据逻辑条件的判断构成程序分支结构 if 布尔表达式 then 顺序语句 end if; 当布尔表达式为 true 时, 执行 then 后面的顺序语句;
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Mealy 状态机设计要点: 设定若干状态; 用输入和状态控制进程; 用 case 语句分别选择每一个状态; 用 if 语句确定输入条件,指定相应的下一状态和输出值; 输出立即赋值(使用一个进程);
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1. 先看一个VHDL代码的例子 2. 简单代码结构:端口定义和电路逻辑表达 3. 代码文件命名 4. 进程(PROCESS) 5. VHDL代码中的:Port,Siganl,Variable 6. 学会简单VHDL设计的三板斧 7. VHDL与C 代码中的函数 的区别 ? 8. 操作符 & 数据类型 & 赋值语句 9. 逻辑分支语句:IF;CASE, 10. 循环语句(LOOP)
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1. 什么是有限状态机? 2. FSM的应用 3. 使用FSM设计电路有何好处? 4. VHDL代码FSM的组成、分类 5. 单进程状态机 & 多进程状态机 6. Moore状态机 & Mealy状态机 7. 状态编码的选择 8. 状态机应用实例:SDRAM控制器
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•了解组合逻辑电路的特点; •熟练掌握组合电路分析和设计的基本方法; •掌握几种常用的组合逻辑电路的功能及其 中规模芯片的使用方法和应用; •了解竞争、冒险的概念及消除冒险的基本 方法
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1. EDA技术的发展历史 2. EDA技术实现目标 3. 硬件描述语言VHDL概述 4. EDA技术与传统电子设计方法的比较 5. EDA技术的发展趋势
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The term computer graphics refers to the generation,representation, manipulation, processing, and display of data by a computer. Computer-generated images may be real or imagined, animated or still, two-dimensional (2-D) or three-dimensional (3-D).Today most computers, particularly those in the PC,Macintosh, or workstation categories
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Computer networks are geographically distributed collections of communication links and switching proces￾sors, the purpose of which is to transport data between computers, workstations, and terminals. In general the elements of a computer network must follow compatible rules of operation together to function effectively. These rules of operation are known as protocols
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14. 复杂代码设计要领 15. 层次化设计与元件语句(component ) 16. 代码复制(generate定义语句) 17. 复杂电路的代码结构
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Input devices are those portions of computer, data processing, and information systems that perform the essential function of providing some means for entering commands and data into the system. Therefore, input devices are found in all such systems, but are treated here as a separate equipment group, independent of the
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