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教学目的:按大纲要求掌握各系统常见疾病和重点疾病的发病机理、临床表现、诊断和处 理原则。结合诊断学时学习的症状、体征、实验室检查的意义,加深对疾病重要特征的认识 和理解,以及疾病间的鉴别诊断要点。进一步熟练全身体格检查
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1891.红细胞平均生存时间约为(易,记忆) A.100 天 B.110 天 C.120 天 D.90 天 E.130 天
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1071.The proportion of gastroesophageal reflux symptoms in the general populaton is: A.1%~8% (易、记忆) B.7%~15% C.14%~22% D.21%~29% E.28%~36%
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451.Cardiac contractility is influcenced by( ):(记忆,难) A preload B afterload C heart rate D cardiac rhythm E all above is correct
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2211.下列哪项试验可以帮助诊断下丘脑功能紊乱?(中,理解) A.TSH 兴奋试验 B.胰岛素耐量试验 C.钠-钾平衡试验 D.可乐宁试验 E.ACTH 兴奋试验
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Endocrinology (1) Roughly a hundred years ago, Starling coined the term hormone to describe secretin, a substance secreted by the small intestine into the blood stream to stimulate pancreatic secretion. In his Croonian Lectures, Starling considered the endo￾crine and nervous systems as two distinct mechanisms for coordination and control of organ function
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Contents Normal anatomy,physiology and metabolism of the kidney Clinical manifestation of renal disease Diagnosis and treatment
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Classification Prerenal ARF Intrinsic renal ARF Postrenal ARF
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Anemia of increased destruction Normochromic, normochromic anemia Shortened RBC survival Reticulocytosis--Response to increased RBC destruction Increased indirect bilirubin Increased LDH
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Definition Absent iron-store hemoglobin synthesis↓ A microcytic and hypochromic anemia The most common nutritional anemia
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