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一、市场拓展的主要任务 市场拓展即为在扩大产品销量和扩大企业市场份额方面所进行的决策与策划。 1、确定目标受众; 2、策划促销活动; 3、培养忠实顾客
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一、市场开发的主要任务 为企业寻找新的市场领域、投资方向和设计进入方案。 1、发现潜在需求; 2、开发适销产品; 3、设计进入方案
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一、市场机会的含义 市场机会是由消费者尚未满足的需求而形成的,对企业经营发展相对有利的时机与条件
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I. Market Failure Market Power Externalities Public Goods Incomplete Information II. Rent Seeking III. Government Policy and International Markets
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I. Basic Pricing Strategies Monopoly & Monopolistic Competition Cournot Oligopoly II. Extracting Consumer Surplus Price Discrimination  Two-Part Pricing Block Pricing  Commodity Bundling III. Pricing for Special Cost and Demand Structures
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I. Conditions for Oligopoly? II. Role of Strategic Interdependence III. Profit Maximization in Four Oligopoly Settings Sweezy (Kinked-Demand) Model Cournot Model Stackelberg Model Bertrand Model
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I. Market Structure Measures of Industry Concentration II. Conduct Pricing Behavior Integration and Merger Activity III. Performance Dansby-Willig Index Structure-Conduct-Performance Paradigm IV. Preview of Coming Attractions
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I. Production Analysis Total Product, Marginal Product, Average Product Isoquants Isocosts Cost Minimization II. Cost Analysis
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I. Elasticities of Demand Own Price Elasticity Elasticity and Total Revenue Cross-Price Elasticity Income Elasticity II. Demand Functions
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Overview I. Introduction II. The Economics of Effective Management Identify Goals and Constraints Recognize the Role of Profits Understand Incentives Understand Markets Recognize the Time Value of Money Use Marginal Analysis
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