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一、熟记陈列的重要性与原则 二、熟练掌握陈列的方法 三、掌握用4Ps的方法进行销售
文档格式:PPT 文档大小:176.5KB 文档页数:66
4.1 程控交换机的软件组成 4.2 呼叫处理的基本原理 4.3 程序的执行管理 4.4 系统的诊断与维护
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3.1 身份标识与鉴别 3.1.1 身份标识与鉴别概念 3.1.2 身份认证的过程 3.2 口令认证方法 3.2.1 口令管理 3.2.2 脆弱性口令 3.3 生物身份认证 3.3.1 指纹身份认证技术 3.3.2 视网膜身份认证技术 3.3.3 语音身份认证技术
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第一章 刑法各论概述 第二章 危害国家安全罪 第三章 危害公共安全罪 第四章 破坏社会主义市场经济秩序罪 第六章 侵犯财产罪 第七章 妨害社会管理秩序罪 第八章 危害国防利益罪 第九章 贪污贿赂罪第十章 渎职罪 第十一章 军人违反职责罪
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III. Market Equilibrium IV. Price Restrictions V. Comparative Statics II. Market Supply Curve
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I. Consumer Behavior Indifference Curve Analysis Consumer Preference Ordering II. Constraints The Budget Constraint Changes in Income Changes in Prices III. Consumer Equilibrium
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I. Methods of Procuring Inputs Spot Exchange Contracts Vertical Integration II. Transaction Costs Specialized Investments III. Optimal Procurement Input
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I. Perfectly Competition Characteristics and profit outlook Effect of new entrants II. Monopolies Sources of monopoly power. Maximizing monopoly profits. Pros and cons III. Monopolistic Competition
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I. Introduction to Game Theory II. Simultaneous-Move, One-Shot Games III. Infinitely Repeated Games IV. Finitely Repeated Games V. Multistage Games
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I. The Mean and the Variance II. Uncertainty and Consumer Behavior III. Uncertainty and the Firm IV. Uncertainty and the Market V. Auctions
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