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Most people learn more effectively when they study in small groups and cooperate in various other ways on homework. This can be particularly true in programming assignments, where working with a partner often helps to avoid careless errors. We are very much in favor of this kind of cooperation, so long as all participants actively involve themselves
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Late homework will not be accepted. In case of illness or absence from MIT make arrangements to complete assignments with your recitation instructor Your TA will examine your project solutions and offer you feedback on them. It's your responsibility to provide clear
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Department of Electrical Engineering and Computer Science 6.001-Structure and Interpretation of Computer Programs Spring semester, 2005 Project 2-Prisoner's Dilemma
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Depart ment of Electrical Engineering and Computer Science 6. 001-Structure and Interpret at ion of Computer Programs Spring Semester, 2005 Issued: Tuesday, March 15, 2005 Solut ions due on online tutor: Friday, April 1, 2005 by 6: 00 PM
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1.了解三相交流电源的产生和特点。 2.握三相四线制电源的线电压和相电压的关系 3.掌握对称三相负载Y形连接和Δ连接时,负载教学重点线电压和相电压、线电流和相电流的关系 4.掌握对称三相功率的计算方法
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第六章电磁感应 1.理解电磁感应现象,掌握产生电磁感应的条件及感应电流方向的判断 2.理解感应电动势的概念,掌握电磁感应定律及有关的计算。 3.理解自感、互感现象及自感系数、互感系数的概念,了解自感现象和互感现象在实际中的应用
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1.掌握电阻、电感、电容元件的交流特性 2.掌握R-L-C串联电路与并联电路的分析计算方去,理解阻抗与阻抗角的物理意义。 3.了解R-L-C串联谐振电路与并联谐振电路的特形
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§8-1概述 §8-2制动器的结构方案分析 §8-3制动器主要参数的确定 §8-4制动器的设计与计算 §8-5制动驱动机构 §8-6制动力调节机构 §8-7 制动器的主要结构元件
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一、程序设计语言 1、程序设计语言发展 2、程序设计语言的支持环境 3、源程序的编辑、编译、连接和执行
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一、结构体数组 一个结构体变量只能存放一个对象(如一个职工 数据)的一组数据,如果存放若干职工数据,则需使用 数组,即将结构体变量定义为结构体数组
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