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Structure Economic profit Short-run profit maximization –Comparative statics Long-run profit maximization Profit maximization and returns to scale Revealed profit maximization
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1、资源环境问题与经济、社会、政治、文化问题的交叉渗透 1.1 对经济发展的影响:资环约束增加经济发展的不确定性 1.2 对社会发展的影响:环境公平问题危及社会稳定 1.3 国际和国内政治压力:资源环境问题的政治性日益凸显 1.4 与文化生活的交织:环境与生态危机折射价值危机 2、资源环境问题对策 2.1 对社会发展目标的反思 2.2 “五位一体”的环境综合治理战略 2.3 “十九大”报告中的生态文明建设 3、案例: 低碳/绿色城市建设
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Structure When to sell an asset? –Rate-of-return Arbitrage Taxation of asset returns Applications Financial intermediaries
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Properties of Demand Functions Comparative statics analysis (比较 静态分析)of ordinary demand functions -- the study of how ordinary demands x1
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Effects of a Price Change What happens when a commodity’s price decreases? –Substitution effect (替代效应): the commodity is relatively cheaper, so consumers substitute it for now relatively more expensive other commodities
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Structure Rational constrained choice Computing ordinary demands – Interior solution (内在解) –Corner solution (角点解) – “Kinky” solution Example: Choosing taxes
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Contents Describe budget constraint –Algebra –Graph Describe changes in budget constraint Government programs and budget constraints Non-linear budget lines
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Structure Endowments Budget constraints with endowments Net demands Labor supply
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一、相互依存性和贸易 想一想你日常生活中某一天,温州制造的闹钟把你吵醒
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