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第十二章酮和醛核磁共振谱 一、醛和酮均含有羰基官能团 二、羰基碳原子上至少连有一个氢原子的叫醛:
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第十章醇和醚 一、醇和醚都是烃的含氧衍生物。它们可看成是水分子中的氢原子被烃基取代的化合物。 二、硫和氧同属于周期表中第VIA族,因此有机含硫化合物与有机含氧化合物有一些相似的性质
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5-6.1 前寒武纪的划分和特征 Precam. subdivision and characteristics 5-6.2 地球圈层的起源和演化 Origin and evolution of geospheres 5-6.3 前寒武纪生物界 Precambrian organic kingdoms 5-6.4 中国主要古大陆形成史 Paleocontinental formation of China 5-6.5 中国震旦纪古地理和古构造 Sinian paleogeography and tectonopaleogeography
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有机反应:在一定的条件下,有机化合物分子中的成键电子发生重新分布,原有 的键断裂,新的键形成,从而使原分子中原子间的组合发生了变化,新的分子产生。 这种变化过程称为有机反应(organic reaction) 一级反应:在动力学上,将反应速率只取决于一种化合物浓度的反应称为一级反 应
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Wave Properties of Electrons Standing wave vibrates in fixed location. Wave function, w, mathematical description of size, shape, orientation Amplitude may be positive or negative Node: amplitude is zero
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Definitions ·ld:“derived from living organisms New: \chemistry of carbon compounds\ From inorganic to organic, Wohler, 1828
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erivatives of the hydrocarbons are formed, by replacing one or more hydrogen atoms by other groups referred to as functional groups An alcohol is closely related to a hydrocarbon in that it contains an Oh group in place of a hydrogen atom. Thus, methyl alcohol, CH3 OH, is a derivative of methane, CH4; and ethyl alcohol
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