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The Product/Service Definition:- That bundle of benefits which is received in the exchange process Note:- People buy benefits not products:- Health Club Membership A visit to Cadbury world Lynx deodorant Caterpillar Earth Movers
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Lecture 4: Marketing Strategy and Planning Lecture Objectives Planning -role/questions/processes? Strategy -components and measurement
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Lecture 3: Market Segmentation, Targeting and Positioning Lecture Objectives Segmentation-what/why/how? Target market strategies Positioning and re-positioning strategies
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第一节经济中的不确定性 第二节公共物品与外部性 第三节管制与反垄断法
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4.1数据类型 4.2创建表 4.3创建、删除和修改约束 4.4增加、删除和修改字段 4.5查看表格 4.6删除表
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3.1数据库的存储结构 3.2创建和删除数据库 3.3修改数据库
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20.1晶闸管 20.2可控整流电路 20.3晶闸管的保护 20.4单结晶体管触发电路 20.5应用举例
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To detine multivariate analysis. To describe multiple regression analysis and multiple discriminant analysis. To learn about factor analysis and cluster analysis. gain an appreciation of perceptua mapping. To develop an understanding of conjoint analysis
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一、填空题 1、我国目前治安管理的方针是:“党委领导,依靠群众,,管理从严,及时打击,保障安全。 二、单项选择 1、“二十四字”方针第一次提出是在()年。 A、1980B、1956 C、1978 D、1982
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5.1 Internet概述 5.1.1 1 Internet的基本概念 5.1.2 Internet的发展历程 5.1.3 3 Internet的管理组织 5.1.4 4 Internet的组成与功能
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