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 Key Concepts  Define the High-Level Organization of Subsystems  Identify Analysis mechanisms  Identify Key Abstractions  Create Use-Case Realizations
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 Key Concepts  Analysis and Design Workflow
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 Introduction  Key Concepts  Use-Case Model  Glossary  Supplementary Specifications
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一、进一步认识构造体在VHDL中的作用。 二、构造体的三种描述方式:
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 Statechart diagrams  Deployment diagrams  Component diagrams
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 Class diagrams  Class relationships ▪ Association ▪ Aggregation ▪ Generalization
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 Classes  Interaction diagrams  Sequence diagrams  Collaboration diagrams  Interaction diagram comparison  Reports
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 What is modeling?  Four principles of visual modeling  The UML  Process and visual modeling
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 Introduction to object technology  Concepts of Object Orientation
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引言 统一过程 敏捷方法介绍 软件开发存在的问题 软件开发过程: Unified Process 迭代开发(Iterative development) 敏捷方法(Agile Practices)
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