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小儿最常见先心病,占先心病20~25% 定义:室间隔的发育不发育障碍
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MAIN THEORIES ON PSYCHOLOGICAL DEVELOPMENT Learning Theory- Watson, Bandura Psychoanalytic Theory- Freud, Erikson Cognitive Development-Piaget
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Chapter 5 Neonate and Neonatal diseases 1. Neonatal outline 2. Neonatal respiratory diseases 3. Neonatal jaundice and hemolysis 4 Neonatal brain diseases 5, Neonatal infection
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bilirubin metabolism RBC Bilirubin(胆红素) Free bilirubin(游离胆红素)
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Introduction Growth and growth disorders Adrenal disorders and sexual development abnormalities Thyroid disorders Disorders of calcium and phosphorus metabolism Diabetes mellitus and hypoglycemia Other disorders: obesity, autoimune
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Introduction GHD is a disorder involves the pituitary gland Pituitary gland does not produce enough GH Growth velocity is slower than normal GHD can occur at any age
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Introduction Growth and growth disorders Adrenal disorders and sexual development abnormalities Thvroid disorders Disorders of calcium and phosphorus metabolism Diabetes mellitus and hypoglycemia Other disorders: obesity, autoimune endocrinopathies, tumor, inborn metabolic
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Introduction GHD is a disorder involves the pituitary gland Pituitary gland does not produce enough gh Growth velocity is slower than normal GHD can occur at any age
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One pairofchromosome 21 was seen in peripheral lymphocytes of normal person 15
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生命救护 一、哪些病人需要紧急救护和生命支持? 二、如何判断?
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