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CHEMICAL ANALYSIS A SERIES OF MONOGRAPHS ON ANALYTICAL CHEMISTRY AND ITS APPLICATIONS Editor . D. WINEFORDNER Ⅴ OLUME162 A complete list of the titles in this series appears at the end of this volume
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Introduction This manual is one of a series dealing with materials and manufacturing procedures for biscuits It describes, in general terms the most important ingredients used to make biscuits by type, function, handling and storage. Most of the ingredients are used to make biscuit dough. The techniques for
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The regulations relating to food production are continually being tightened with the aim of improving the safety of food products and the safety of people working in food factories If you work in a food factory you must be acquainted with the potential dangers and constantly endeavour to prevent the food becoming contaminated with noxious substances. You must also
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Sucrose is a medium sized molecule, known as a dissacharide (composed of a unit of dextrose plus a unit of fructose). It is derived from sugar cane or sugar beet which has been refined and crystallised from a concentrated solution. The term sugar is commonly used to refer to sucrose. It is by far the most commonly used type of sugar in the biscuit industry
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All the ingredients included here are derived from milk or eggs. In their principal value is there are also tenderising properties associated with the fats and emulsifying compounds which they contain. Milk, butter, cheese and eggs have been traditional ingredients for baking due to their exceptional nutritional values as well as their flavour. The techmology of milk production has now developed to such an extent that there are a large
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一、核酸及蛋白质常用数据 1.核苷三磷酸的物理常数
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蒙妮莎作为一家服装企业,它最吸引人的似乎不是服装,而是一种说不清的非 物质的东西。当翻开全新的蒙妮莎CI手册时,这个答案豁然开朗一一企业文 化。服装只是品牌的一个载体,透过服装,蒙妮莎经营的是情感,是美、是文 化。这一点,在以前的蒙妮莎身上是很难看到的
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检验医学(Laboratory medicine)既是一门古老的学科,又是一门新兴学科,同时也是涉及基础和临床专业最多的一门边缘学科。检验医学的主要作用是为临床疾病的诊断、疗效观察、病程监测、预后判断和预防提供实验室的客观依据和各种信息、故其作用和地位十分重要。随着基础医学和其他科学技术、特别是分子医学、电子学、生物信息和计算机学科的相应渗透和迅速发展,诸多新理论、新技术和新仪器都率先在检验医学中应用,使其内容不断拓宽和深化,面貌日新月异,成为发展最快的学科之一。其在临床医学中发挥的作用也越来越为重要。 第一章 检验前病人准备和标本采集 第二章 临床检验 第三章 生化检验 第四章 免疫检验 第五章 微生物检验
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HRA面临的一大难题一 数据匮乏且可用性不良 人因数据采集极度困难,致使HRA长 期缺乏较充分的可用数据 现有主要人因数据库 人员可靠性分析手册, NUCLARR, 英国CORE-DATA 三方面问题
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软件是指计算机的程序系统和文件, 它是为了便利计算机使用和提高使用 效率而设的,包括各种计算机语言、 汇编程序和编译程序、诊断程序、管 理程序和操作系统、应用软件包、各 种维护和使用手册
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