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(1) Input There are zero or more quantities that are externally supplied. (2) Output At least one quantity is produced. (3) Definiteness Each instruction is clear and unambiguous. (4) Finiteness If we trace out the instructions of an algorithm, then for all cases, the algorithm terminates after finite number of steps. (5) Effectiveness Every instruction must be basic enough to be carried out, in principle, by a person using only pencil and paper. It is not enough that each operation be definite as in(3); it also must be feasible
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第2章线性表 一、选择题 1.下述哪一条是顺序存储结构的优点?() A.存储密度大 B.插入运算方便 C.删除运算方便 D.可方便地用于各种逻辑结
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1. Introduction : Problems with large programs 2.The Game of Life (a continuing example) 3. Programming style 4. Coding, Testing ,and Further Refinement 5. Program Maintenance 6. Preview (a) Software Engineering (b) Problem Analysis (c) Requirements Specification (d) Coding 7. Pointers and Pitfalls 8. References
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第六章树和二叉树 第一节树的类型定义 A为“根” T1、T2和T3都是一棵树,称为A的子树。 称根和子树根之间的连线为“分支” 结点分支的个数定义为“结点的度”,如结点的度为2,D的度为3
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void TSMatrix_add(TSMatr ix, TSMatr, TSMatrix&c)/三元组 表示的稀疏矩阵加法 { C. mu=A. mu; C. nu=A. nu; C. tu=; pa=1;pb=1;pc=1; for(x=1x<=A.mu;x++)//对矩阵的每一行进行加法 while(A. data [pa]. i
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第2章线性表 一.选择题 1.a2.b3.c4.a.d6.d7.d8.c9.b10.bc11.i11.2i11.3e
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一、选择题 1.d2.d3.d4.b5.b6.b7.c,8.a9.c10.c,d,f11.1d,c11.2a,d,f
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一、选择题 1.某内排序方法的稳定性是指()。 A.该排序算法不允许有相同的关键字记录 B.该排序字记录 C.平均时间为0( log)的排序方法 D.以上都不对
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一、单项选择题(本大题共15小题,每小题2分,共30分)在每小题列出的四个选项中只有一个是符合题目要求的,请将其代码填在题后的括号内。错选或未选均无分 1.下面程序段的时间复杂度是() for(i=-0; i
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全真模拟试题(一)参考答案 一、单项选择题 1④2③ 3④分析:按题意,矩阵A是个三角矩阵,A[I,的首地址可用下列公式计算:
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