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FOUR COLONY MODELS(1) Model of VIRGINIA (Jamestown 1607) Captain John Smith John Rolfe(married princess of an Indian tribe chief) House of Burgesses
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Alexander Hamiton (1755~1804) Encarta Encyclopedia, Hulton Deutsch One of the boldest American political thinkers of his time. Hamilton developed the doctrine of implied powers, which supports liberal interpretation of the U.S Constitution. He also served as the nation's first secretary of the treasury
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John Locke (1632.8.29~1704.10.28) The 17th century English philosopher John Locke developed theories of empiricism that emphasized the role of human experience in the pursuit of knowledge and truth. Many of Locke's political theories influenced the authors of the Encarta Encyclopedia
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《中外教育思想史》 《小学教育基础》 《小学班队工作原理》 《小学实用教育研究方法》 《现代教育技术》 《小学生心理学》 《小学教育心理学》 《小学生心理健康与心理咨询》 《教育学专业基础》 《教育哲学》 《国外小学教育发展动态》 《中外教育名著选读》 《中国教育热点问题研究》 《发展心理学》 《教师职业心理学》 《教育统计与心理测量》 《心理诊断与咨询技能》 《心理学专业基础》 《自然科学基础》 《人文社会科学概论》 《现代汉语》 《写作》 《中国现当代文学作品选》 《中国古诗文欣赏》 《高等数学》 《初等数论》 《解析几何》 《数学思想与方法》 《音乐基础》 《美术基础》 《小学课程与教学论Ⅰ》 《小学课程与教学论Ⅱ》 《儿童常见疾病预防及治疗》 《教师职业技能训练》 《Visual FoxPro 程序设计》 《Visual FoxPro 程序设计》实验 《中国古代文化史》 《文学概论》 《儿童文学》 《国学经典作品选读》 《外国文学作品欣赏》 《美学基础》 《英语国家文化导论》 《英语听说》 《基本乐理与视唱》 《兴趣音乐》 《学校实用美术》 《钢琴基础与简易伴奏》 《声乐》 《少儿舞蹈》 《小学游戏理论与实践》 《古代汉语》 《汉字文化与教学研究》 《小学生作文指导》 《概率与数理统计》 《小学数学解题研究》 《小学数学教学素材开发与设计》 《朗读技巧与指导》 《小学语文特级教师教学案例分析》 《小学数学特级教师教学案例分析》 《小学英语教学研究》 《小学综合实践活动设计》 《小学科学实验与创新》 《教育观察与体验》 《假日模拟学校》 《教学实习》 《毕业实习》 《毕业论文》
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Questions for Thoughts 1. It is said if you' re tired of London, you're tired of life. Do you think so? Why or why not? 2. What do you think of the weather in great Britain? Do you think that the uncertainty of the weather really has a definite effect upon the Englishmans
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One of the primary principles of Rousseau's political philosophy is that politics and morality should not be separated. When a state fails to act in a moral fashion it ceases to function in the proper manner and ceases to exert genuine authority over the individual. The second important
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CONSTITUTION OF THE ED STATES OF AMERICA We the People of the United States, in Order to form a more perfect Union, establish Justice, insure domestic Tranquility, provide for the common defence, promote the general Welfare, and secure the Blessings of Liberty to ourselves and our Posterity, do ordain and establish this Constitution for the United States of America
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Warm-up Exercises and Preview Questions: 1. What is the symbol of the United States of America? What do you know about the Statue of Liberty? 2. Here at our sea-washed, sunset gates shall stand a mighty woman with a torch whose flame is imprisoned lightning
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Lecture Notes one A Brief Introduction of the Great Britain Guide This tourism and travel guide for London, featuring hotels, street maps. restaurants, tours, attractions and more will help you plan a successful trip to London, England, United Kingdom. London is a city of contrasts- steeped in history and tradition and yet always at the forefront of contemporary fashion
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