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John Locke (1632.8.29~1704.10.28) The 17th century English philosopher John Locke developed theories of empiricism that emphasized the role of human experience in the pursuit of knowledge and truth. Many of Locke's political theories influenced the authors of the Encarta Encyclopedia
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Writer of American National Anthem Francis Scott Key(1779-1843) Oh! thus be it ever. when freemen shall stand Between their loved homes and the war's desolation! Blest with victory and peace, may the heaven-rescued land Praise the Power that hath made and preserved us a nation
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Lecture Notes one A Brief Introduction of the Great Britain Guide This tourism and travel guide for London, featuring hotels, street maps. restaurants, tours, attractions and more will help you plan a successful trip to London, England, United Kingdom. London is a city of contrasts- steeped in history and tradition and yet always at the forefront of contemporary fashion
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Questions for Thoughts 1. It is said if you' re tired of London, you're tired of life. Do you think so? Why or why not? 2. What do you think of the weather in great Britain? Do you think that the uncertainty of the weather really has a definite effect upon the Englishmans
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Warm-up Exercises and Preview Questions: 1. What is the symbol of the United States of America? What do you know about the Statue of Liberty? 2. Here at our sea-washed, sunset gates shall stand a mighty woman with a torch whose flame is imprisoned lightning
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One of the primary principles of Rousseau's political philosophy is that politics and morality should not be separated. When a state fails to act in a moral fashion it ceases to function in the proper manner and ceases to exert genuine authority over the individual. The second important
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CONSTITUTION OF THE ED STATES OF AMERICA We the People of the United States, in Order to form a more perfect Union, establish Justice, insure domestic Tranquility, provide for the common defence, promote the general Welfare, and secure the Blessings of Liberty to ourselves and our Posterity, do ordain and establish this Constitution for the United States of America
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National Motto of the United States In God We Trust The phrase derives from the line \And this be our motto. 'In God is our trust, \in the battle song that later became the U.S. national anthem, \The Star-Spangled Banner. \The phrase first appeared on U. S. coins in 1864 and became
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越南民族文化通常指的是由起源于越南北部的京族所创造的文化。越南文化是亚太地区最古老的文化之一。与其他同样位于中南半岛的国家所不同的是,越南由于在历史上受到中国文化很大的影响,其文化特征与东亚民族非常接近,是东亚文化圈的一部分。同时越南文化又渗透了法国殖民地的文化气息,融合了多元化的地方风俗,形成了越南民族文化别具一格的风景。 一、越南概况 二、越南民俗禁忌 三、越南饮食文化 四、越南服饰文化 五、越南宗教文化 六、越南旅游文化 七、越南建筑文化
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