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第一节充血 第二节血栓形成 第三节栓塞 第四节梗死
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第一章细胞和组织的适应、损伤与修复 第一节细胞和组织的适应与损伤 第二节损伤的修复
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Background Information Organization of the Text Introductory Questions Text New Word Reading Intensive Study Exercise Check-up Assignment
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Related Information 1. Newspaper newspaper, in broad sense, is an unbound publication issued at regular intervals that seeks to inform, analyze, influence, and entertain. A newspaper can be published at various intervals but usually appears weekly or daily
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Unit One College-A New Experience Lead-in Vocabulary Outline Text Study Summary
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文档格式:DOC 文档大小:67KB 文档页数:6
Part I Vocabulary and structure 30% A: Make the best choice: 1. She was able to cope ---- the difficulties she met with a. in b with d
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一、 Multiple Choice(15%) 1. The boss may Tony because he has the right qualifications. A)fire )dismiss B)hire D)blame
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3.1算术运算 3.2赋值运算 3.3增自减运算 3.4关系运算与逻辑运算 3.5条件运算 3.6逗号运算 3.7位运算 3.8类型转换
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第12章位运算 12.1概述 12.2位运算 12.3位运算举例 12.4位段
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