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法洛四联症 一、肺动脉狭窄:漏斗部)和瓣膜部 (VPS)·室间隔缺损(VSD)
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Cyanosis---Hints central cyanosis: implies decreased arterial oxygen saturation Peripheral cyanosis: caused by a decreased rate of peripheral blood flow
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病人在门诊、急诊、留观及住院期间全 部医疗资料总称
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病史 6岁男孩 3天前右前臂被蜂叮咬后,出现局部红肿反应 第2天出现胸痛胸片检查阴性
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Important to notice Recognize neonates with different gestational age(GA) General care for the neonates Special risks of the prematures and LBWI Importance of the initial examination after birth
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1、熟悉儿童保健Ⅰ、Ⅱ、Ⅲ级预防措施的具体内容 2、掌握各期儿童保健措施要点
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Preventive and clinical medicine s Protect and promote children as follows: 1. physical and psychosocial health 2. social adaptive abilities
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一、脑血流改变 二、脑组织代谢改变 三、神经病理学改变
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Definition Rickets is the term signifying a failure in mineralization of growing bone or osteoid tissue
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1、儿童神经系统生长发育的特点。 2、儿童注意、记忆、思维、想象、情绪、情感、意志和个性的概念
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