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原发性高血压 hypertension 是一种严重危害人民健康的常见病、多发病。 三高:发病率、致残率、死亡率高。脑出血:500万/年 我国:现有患者1亿6千万人,每年新增150万,死亡20万 三低:知晓率45%、服药率30%、控制率10%
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5.1国家高程基准 5.2高程控制网的布设 5.3精密水准仪与水准尺 5.4精密水准测量的主要误差来源及其影响 5.5精密水准测量的实施 5.6正常水准面不平行性及其改正数计算 5.7水准测量的概算 5.8三角高程测量
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服装袖型设计 一、袖型的分类: 1、按袖的造型形态分 A、直袖B、紧口袖
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1、病理学的含义 2、病理学的研究方法 (1)人体病理学的诊断、研究方法
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Part I Multiple choice(20%) 1. The student was just about to the question when suddenly he found the answer A. give up C. arrived at D. submit to
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Part I Multiple Choice (15%) 1. He a good student A)am C)are B)is D)W
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1. The moniter is charge the class a. In.O b on of c at on d in . on
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Part I Vocabulary& Structure(20%) Section A 1. IfI _you, I would not do it. A.was B.am C.were D. be
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Part I Vocabulary Structure(20%) Section a You must get everything before you begin the experiment C preparing D. is prepared
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Part I Vocabulary Structure(20%) Section a employee C. calculator D. device
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