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Translation( Chinese to English Unit 1 1.等我赶到顶楼会议室时,他们已经离开了。( by the time By the time I got to the meeting room on the top floor, they had already left. 这一节目迎合大众的许多不同的兴趣和品味。( cater)
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人教新课标高中英语必修四Unit 3 A taste of English humour教案(2)
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The English people are of mixed blood. At the beginning of the fifth century Britain was invaded by three tribes from the Northern Europe: the Angles, Saxons and Jutes
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1. Morphology In American English, a number of irregular verbs have become regularised, while remaining irregular in British English: a)In many instances, it is only the voicing of the past tense morpheme -(e)d which has been changed to regularise the verb:
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Thomas Hobbes 15884.5~1679.12.4) Encarta Encyclopedia, Archivo Iconografico, 5.A. Corbis English political philosopher and is best known for his treatise Leviathan Written during the mid-17th century amidst the tumult of the English
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Teaching Points l. Background knowledge ll. Introduction to the passage lll . Text Analysis IV. Rhetorical devices V. Questions
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lBackground knowledge lI. Introduction to the passage lⅢ. Text Analysis ⅣV. Rhetorica| devices V. Questions
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人教新课标高中英语必修四Unit 3 A taste of English humour导学案
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Reading skills of scientific and technical English Reading for Main Idea(获取主题思想) 我们可以把获取主题思想的阅读技巧分四步 1.辨认主题名词 identify subject word 2.找出主题词 find subject word 3.获取主题思想 gain main idea 4.避免不相关的内容 avoid disrelated content
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人教新课标高中英语必修四Unit 3 A taste of English humour导学案(3)
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