Definition Phonetics vs phonology The phoneme theory – Distinctiveness in speech sounds – Phoneme and allophone – Minimal pairs – Principles in deciding on phonemes
1.1 Terminology Definitions 3. Point Positioning ys. Relative positioning The coordinates of a single point are determined when 1. Code Range vs, Carrier Phase Code measurements(meter level) Carrier phase measurements(millimeter range). Single point positioning
1.Types of dictionaries Monolingual dictionaries vs.bilingual dictionaries Monolingual dictionaries are written in one language, while bilingual dictionaries are written in two languages
The OP07 is a precision operational amplifier with Ultra Low offset Voltage: 10uV for the OPO7A), input offset drift of 0. 2uv/C an Ultra Low Offset Voltage Drift0.2μ° put bias current of 0.7nA the wide inp o Ultra Stable vs. Time: 0.2u V/Month 110dB minimum(OP07A), plus high input Ultra L。wNo|e:035