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上海交通大学:《科学技术史 A History of Science and Technology》教学资源(PPT讲义)第7讲 进化论与遗传学
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上海交通大学:《科学技术史 A History of Science and Technology》课程教学资源(PPT课件)第7讲 进化论与遗传学
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上海交通大学:《科学技术史 A History of Science and Technology》课程教学资源(PPT课件)第9讲 进化论与遗传学
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Extensions of Mendelian Analysis Interactions between alleles of one gene. Multiple alleles, incomplete dominance, codominance Interactions between alleles of two genes. New phenotypes, epistasis Relationship between genotype & phenotype lethals, variable penetrance, conditional alleles
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复旦大学:《人类进化 Human Evolution》教学课件_人类心理活动的遗传学基础(公晓红)
文档格式:PDF 文档大小:538.5KB 文档页数:4
复旦大学:《人类进化 Human Evolution》参考文献_分子人类学_遗传学证据证实汉文化的传播源于人口的扩张
文档格式:PDF 文档大小:377.35KB 文档页数:4
复旦大学:《人类进化 Human Evolution》参考文献_分子人类学_遗传学证据支持现代中国人起源于非洲
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Genetics is a different biology class Reading, attending lectures Andunderstanding the concept-notmemorizing Do problem sets
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