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3.1双边带调幅 3.1.1常规调幅(AM)
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2.1信号和系统的分类 2.1.1信号的分类 2.1.2系统的分类
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Chapter Objectives Analog-to-digital signaling(PCM and delta modulation) Binary and multilevel digitals signals Spectra and bandwidths of digital signals Prevention of intersymbol interference Time division multiplexing Packet transmission
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第4章和第5章探讨的内容都属于资源子网的范畴,是解 决网络资源和网络服务的问题。但网络毕竟是为资源共 享和协同应用而建立的,因此,网络上的数据、信息必 须通过传输介质和网络通信系统互连并高效传输。所以, 第6章和第7章探讨通信子网范畴的有关内容。综合布线 系统通常是网络系统集成时首先应该考虑的问题,因此 本书从综合布线系统入手,开始网络系统集成具体工程 技术的学习
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Introduction Basic signal properties(dc, rms, dBm. and power) Fourier transform and spectra Linear systems and linear distortion Bandlimited signal and sampling Discrete Fourier transform · Bandwidth of signal
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一、通信系统中的发送与接收设备 调幅发射机方框原理图
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Introduction Basic signal properties(dc, rms, dBm, and power) Fourier transform and spectra Linear systems and linear distortion Bandlimited signal and sampling Discrete Fourier transform Bandwidth of signal
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Chapter One Introduction Why? Information Age Information Superhighway
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第一节SDH在微波与卫星通信中的应用 第二节SDH在互联网中的应用
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