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化学直发早在20世纪初就已出现,主要用于控制过度卷 曲的头发。最早的直发剂是用钾碱(草木灰)、碱液、马铃薯 和猪油制成的。拉直的过程也被称为“直发”。这些成份混合 到一起,就会形成一种很粗糙的混合物,功效之强足以使过 幻灯片2度卷曲的头发产生化学变化而变为直发。灰汁在单纯形态下 是一种有腐蚀性的化学物,酸碱度为14。它能够腐蚀头发的 表皮层,使之变软、变直,从而更易控制。由于这种混合物 是由家庭物质成份自制而成,所以它是一种不稳定的公式, 产生的效果也不可预测
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School of Management About my name About my TA About the course About the requirements 20% assignment class performance 15%mid- term test 65% final test About the book and authors
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In lecture D9, we saw the principle of impulse and momentum applied to particle motion. This principle was of particular importance when the applied forces were functions of time and when interactions between particles occurred over very short times, such as with impact forces. In this lecture, we extend these principles to two dimensional rigid body dynamics. Impulse and Momentum Equations Linear Momentum In lecture D18, we introduced the equations of motion for a two dimensional rigid body. The linear momen- tum for a system of particles is defined
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Introduction This lesson will address questions related to different levels of government: How should various responsibilities be allocated to different levels of government? Is decentralized government decision making desirable? Are locally raised taxes a good way to pay for services provided locally?
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Heart as Strong as Iron\ Techniques Checklist: Use of a centrifuge Equipment: Disposable UV-Vis cuvettes 1-mL capacity) .Pipetmen: 20P, 100 P, 1000 P .Pipet tips Eppendorf tubes (safe-lock) .Hot plate
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6.1 An Introduction to Enzymes 191 H20 in the presence of oxygen is a highly exergonic 6.2 How Enzymes Work 193 process, releasing free energy that we can use to think an I 6.3 Enzyme Kinetics as an Approach to Understanding main on the shelf for years without any obvious con-
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一、氨基酸是构成蛋白成分 二、目前世界上可用发酵法生产氨基酸有20多种
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量子概念是1900年普朗克首先提出的,距今已 有一百多年的历史.其间,经过爱因斯坦、玻尔、德 布罗意、玻恩、海森伯、薛定谔、狄拉克等许多物理 大师的创新努力,到20世纪30年代,就建立了一 套完整的量子力学理论
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一、填空题(每题2分,共20分 1.固溶体、金属化合物、机械混合物。 2.冷变形时,随着变形程度的增加,材料的强和硬度提高,塑性和韧性下降的现象。 3.药皮,机械保护的作用、冶金处理的作用、稳定电弧的作用
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一、单项选择题(本大题共10小题,每小题2分,共20分) 在每小题列出的四个备选项中只有一个是符合题目要求的,请将其代码填写在题后的括号内。错选、多选或未选均无分。 1.对任意n阶方阵A、B总有() A.AB-BA
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