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Why Statistical Mechanics? Understand predict the physical properties of macroscopic systems from the properties of their constituents Deterministic approach ma F need of 6n coordinates at t: r: and v but typically n= moles (1023)! Ensemble?rather than microscopic detail and its surroundings microcanonical, canonical, grand canonical
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4高阶导数 一、高阶导数的概念: 加速度a(t)=v=高阶导数
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1阶的概念 设x→x0时(x),y(x)都是无穷小量。 1)若lim(x)=1,则记0(x)w(x)(x→x)。称之为等价无穷小 i)若m2(x)=0,则记(x)=(x)(x→x)。称o(x)是比v(x)的高阶
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uniT 8 The Development of Paging System means[mi:nz]n.方法,手段,工具 advantage[ad'wa:nti]n.优势,利益 availability[a' veila' b i t i]n.可用性,可得性 assume[a'sju:m]v.假定,设想 dramatic[dra' mae t i k]a.戏剧的,鲜明的
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NEW WORDS AND PHRASES vISIonary[ vita n ari]n.幻想家,梦想家 contribute [kan tribju]v.捐献,贡献 kan]adv.重大的,效果显著的,具有特殊意义的
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Word13 multimedia[. mAl i''midjn.多媒体 describe[dis k]v.描述,形容 mixture['m tfan.混合,混合物 consequent['kon wan]a.作为结果的,随之发生的
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For the uniform state of plane strain shown in the fig ure,which one(s) of the following statement(s) is(are valid?(Assume Poisson's ratio v+0)
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一、引言与准备 1、循环关系 欲求介质中E→则需E∵E=E+E需p需 (p.ds=-q,或p=-V.P、o=Pn)需知EP=oxE),返 回,出现循环。 表明:极化原因(E:自由电荷激发的外场、E:总场)和极化效果(E :由束缚电荷q激发)之间有反馈联系
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复习 一阶谓词演算的符号化: 个体变元:x,Y,z,… 个体常元:a,b,c ·谓词:Fn,Gn,Hn, 函数:fn,gn,hn, 量词:全称量词V,存在量词3
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Real-Time Transport Protocol Real-time traffic v.S. multimedia traffic Real-time communication is the almost simultaneous production and use of the data, ignoring the short delay in transmission
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