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Introduction Recurrent Aphthous Ulcer BehCet's disease Traumatic Ulcer Traumatic Bulla Reiter's Syndrome Summary Questions
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一、变态反应性疾病的免疫机理 二、药物过敏性口炎和接触性口炎 三、血管神经性水肿 四、多型渗出性红斑
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一、内源性色素沉着 二、外源性色素沉着 三、色素脱失
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一、系统性疾病 就诊于口腔科的常见症状
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形态学(M)(组织化学)、免疫表型(I 细胞遗传学(C)、分子生物学(M)的发 展过程。 MICMG(基因)的可能
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一、白血病临床特征 1 发热 2 贫血 3 出血 4 浸润
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一、白血病的分子机制 二、白血病的分子检测 三、白血病分子检测的临床应用
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Development of Classification of Acute Leukemia 1976 French-American-British(FAB) Cooperative Group proposed classification of acute leukemia based on morphologic criteria that were subsequently refined in 1981 and 1985 1986 Morphologic, immunologic and cytogenetic
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SCMC Heart structure Heart is an complex spatial structure Differences in the pathophysiology of cardiac disease Pediatrics: congenital heart disease Adults: atherosclerotic heart disease
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一、General Considerations 定义 常见病原菌 流感杆菌
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