100 Control Systems W.L. Brogan, G.K. F. Lee, A P Sage, B.C. Kuo, C L. Phillip R D. Harbor, R.G. Jacquot, J.E. McInroy D P. Atherton, J.S. Bay W.T. Baumann, M-Y Chow Models. Deynamic Response. Frequency Response Methods: Bode Diagram Approach RootLocus.compensation.DigitalControlSystems.nonlinear Optimal Control and Estimation. Neural Control
BIOMATERIALS-TISSUE INTERACTIONS: \Tools\ for Understanding the Molecular, Cellular, and Physiological, Bases of the Tissue Response to Implants M. Spector, Ph. D. and I. V. Yannas, Ph.D. BIOMATERIALS-TISSUE INTERACTIONS