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复旦大学:《材料失效分析 Materials Failure Analysis》课程教学资源(教学案例)32. Fatigue failure analysis of a grease-lubricated roller bearing from an electric motor
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复旦大学:《材料失效分析 Materials Failure Analysis》课程教学资源(教学案例)39. Hydrogen Embrittlement on High-speed Stainless Steel Belts Used for Tin Plating Chip Lead Frame
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复旦大学:《材料失效分析 Materials Failure Analysis》课程教学资源(教学案例)43. Pitting corrosion on 316L pipes in terephthalic Acid(TA)dryer
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复旦大学:《材料失效分析 Materials Failure Analysis》课程教学资源(教学案例)01. Failure analysis of leakage on titanium tubes within heat exchanger in a nuclear power plant-Part_Electrochemical corrosion
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复旦大学:《材料失效分析 Materials Failure Analysis》课程教学资源(教学案例)02. Failure analysis of leakage on titanium tubes within heat exchanger in a nuclear power plant-Part II_Mechanical degradation
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复旦大学:《材料失效分析 Materials Failure Analysis》课程教学资源(教学案例)03. failure analysis on circulating water pump of duplex stainless steel in 1000 mw ultra-supercritical thermal power unit
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复旦大学:《材料失效分析 Materials Failure Analysis》课程教学资源(教学案例)04. failure analysis on abnormal wall thinning of heat-transfer titanium tubes of condensers in nuclear power plant part 1_corrosion and wear
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复旦大学:《材料失效分析 Materials Failure Analysis》课程教学资源(教学大纲)
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