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一、了解饭店营销的基本概念及特点 二、掌握饭店的销售渠道和基本营销组合策略 三、 熟悉饭店最新的营销理念和模式
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一、了解饭店组织设置的原则和要求。 二、 熟悉饭店组织机构设置的方法和模式。 三、掌握饭店计划的内容和相关的组织制度
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10.1 饭店的企业文化 10.2 饭店的公共关系 10.3 现代饭店的信息管理与电子商务
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Role of financial management Career opportunities Forms of business organization Goals of the corporation Issues of the new millenium Agency relationships
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FINC 5000 Page 1 of 3 Fall 2005 Course FINC 5000 Finance Instructor Name: Lorraine Gilbertson Email: gilbertl@webster.edu Location Chengdu, China Course Description The student examines the general nature of financial management, the American financial system, taxes, and the major financial decisions of corporations. Specific attention is given to present value and capital budgeting; risk and asset pricing;
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Ratio analysis Du Pont system Effects of improving ratios Limitations of ratio analysis Qualitative factors
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Balance sheet Income statement Statement of cash flows Accounting income versus cash flow MVA and EVA Personal taxes Corporate taxes
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1、时间有限,而工作无限 2、努力工作却并不快乐 3、能主导自己的生命 4、能实现自己的理想 5、能兼顾自己和别人的要求 6、做到忙而不盲
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常州物资学校:《供水企业物资管理》课程教学资源(PPT课件)第四节 物资的出库
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常州物资学校:《供水企业物资管理》课程教学资源(PPT课件)第六节 仓库的安全管理
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