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Any form of nonpersonal presentation and promotion of ideas, goods, or services by an identified sponsor. U.S. advertisers spend in excess of $175 billion each year. Advertising is used by: – Business firms, –Nonprofit organizations, –Professionals
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A set of interdependent organizations (intermediaries) involved in the process of making a product or service available for use or consumption by the consumer or business user
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Objectives Setting the Price Adapting the Price Initiating & Responding to Price Changes
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Step 1. Identifying the Target Audience Step 2. Determining the Communication Objectives Buyer Readiness Stages
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我们将在本章回答2个问题: 一、什么是产品生命周期? 二、制定什么战略来适应产品生命周期的各个阶段?
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第一节 分销渠道概述 第二节 中间商 第三节 分销渠道策略 第四节 产品实体分销
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一、产品基本含义 二、产品生命周期 三、产品组合策略 四、新产品开发 五、产品商标策略 六、产品包装策略
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第一节 促销与促销组合 第二节 人员推销 第三节 广告 第四节 销售促进 第五节 公共关系
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