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The Heisenberg uncertainty principles Nature is bilateral: particles are waves and waves are particles. The particle aspect carries with it the traditional concepts of position and momentum; The wave aspect carries with it the concepts of wavelength and frequency
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西南交通大学:《大学物理》课程教学资源(PPT课件讲稿,上册)第二篇 实物的运动规律 第三章 运动的描述 §3.1 质点和刚体 §3.2 参考系和坐标系 §3.3 运动的描述
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1 Light waves and the coherent condition of waves 1. Light waves Light wave is a small part of the whole electromagnetic wave spectrum. Wavelength (m) 102
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The gravitational force 2. Newtons law of universal gravitation
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Chapter 13 temperature, heat transfer, and first law of thermodynamics Thermodynamics study the thermal energy (often 10\ -Universe just after beginning called the internal energy) of systems
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一、氢原子的量子力学处理方法 1建立方程(电子在核的库仑场中运动)
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第一节 波函数与算符 第二节 波函数的统计解释 第三节 薛定谔方程 第四节 薛定谔方程应用举例(一维问题)
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一、光的偏振性 ---- 光波的振动效应 二、光的干涉性 ---- 光波的相位效应 三、光的色散性 ---- 光波的频率效应
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一、光波的相干叠加 1.光波叠加原理 2.光的相干叠加 3.光程、光程差 4.从普通光源获得相干光
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