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选育出偏、粘、易和二角型非 IBL/IRS小麦雄性不育系, 通过对其育性特异性,恢复性遗传规律,胞质效应和质核互作专效性研究表明,四类异 质非1 BL/IRS小麦雄性不育系不育性主要由一对主效隐性基因(i!)控制,不育性彻 底,不育株率和不有废均;100不育系自身克服了BLRS不育系产生单倍体的 缺点,同时也大大提高了不育系的易恢复性。四类异质非BL/RS小麦雄性不育与一般 含有主效恢复基因(Ril)的小麦品种系测配
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I Greetings IL. Review: Review the new words and phases of Unit One II Start the new lesson 1. Introduction: You are about to read an early exchange between a daughter and her parents. You will find how they think about the same things very differently. You will also hear how they miss connecting with or understanding each other. It is as if they are blind to
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I Greetings IL. Review: the new words and phrases of Unit Three II Start the new lesson 1. Introduction: Listening passage: People judge other people within the first seven seconds of meeting them. You can have a positive effect on other people through using your eyes, face and body in unspoken communication
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设备管理不但要管理实际IO操作的设备(如磁盘 机、打印机),还要管理诸如设备控制器、DMA 控制器、中断控制器、/O处理机(通道)等支持 设备。设备管理包括各种设备分配、缓冲区管理 和实际物理I/O设备操作,通过管理达到提高设 备利用率和方便用户
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5.1中断系统基本概念 5.2中断的处理过程 5.3i-PC机中断系统结构 5.4 Intel8259A可编程中断控制器 5.5中断程序举例
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Trademarks I Step RoboPDF, Active Edit, Active Test, Authorware, Blue Sky Software, Blue Sky, Breeze, Breezo, Captivate, Central, Cold Fusion, Contribute, Database Explorer, Director, Dreamweaver, Fireworks, Flash, Flash Cast, FlashHelp, Flash Lite, FlashPaper, Flex, Flex Builder, Fontographer, FreeHand, Generator
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上一章只关注商品市场,而不管货币 市场。本章将两个市场同时加以考虑 的基础上来分析国民收入的决定。主 要是用著名的IS-LM模型来解释的。I 指投资,S指储蓄,L指货币需求,M 指货币供给。 切入点:上一章我们假定投资为常数 ,本章认为投资是利息率的函数,利 息率又是货币供求关系确定的,从而 引入货币市场
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1.矩阵的概念:矩阵就是矩形的数表。例如: 代表由pq个数字排成的数表,我们称它为p行q列矩阵。矩阵用大写黑体字母表示。其 下标表示它所包含的行列数,也可省略不写。用小写字母表示矩阵中的各个数字,如a表 示A矩阵中第i行第j列的那一个数字,称为矩阵的元素
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UNIT FOUR Section A Studying Abroad I. Background Information 1. Host family is the family that provides board and room, food etc. for overseas Ⅴ isitors or students 2. Christians are followers of Jesus with whom they have a personal relationship and whom they accept/receive into their lives
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